Taming the Beast

My hair progression from being a natural beauty to a sisterlocked vixen

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hair Raising Questions

OKAY...so friday i went to the library and picked up two hair books. Dreads by Francesco Mastalia and Alfonse Pagano--a collection of photos of various dread heads and the meaning behind their locks. I read this book once before and ordered it off the net today, its a real good read, awesome pics. And Hair Story by Ayana D. Byrd...untangaling the roots of black hair in america.the book in which I had question for. In all the books I read including this one it always says that back in slavery times light skinned slaves with long wavy/curly/straight hair were more favorable than the slaves who had dark skin and short nappy hair. I am a mixed person...german, black, and native american...I have fair skin, green eyes and blonde NAPPY COARSE hair. I have a nephew who is very dark but has the fullest head of silky black curls. Where would we fit in???


  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger Leighann said…

    I have read and own both these books. They're great!

  • At 7:06 PM, Blogger Funlayo said…

    You and your nephew would fit in beautifully anywhere in the world. I think it is awesome to have a look that cannot be boxed in or categrorized. Speaking as an African who has been exposed to lot of cultures, It's amazing to me all the various faces that African Americans have. Some look like they could be Middle Eastern, Meditteranean and even East Indian, some even look like like they are from the Pacific. It's a beautiful thing. Thank God for your uniqueness.


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